Friday, September 25, 2009

Midway through the Steam Car

My team, comprised of Andrew, Sandra, and Mike, and I have been working with consistent progress on building a mini steam car. Our main goal is efficiency, but we make sure to put an emphasis on style and design while we're working. There has been relative ease with cutting and bending the metal. The chassis seems to be holding, as well as the canister where the steam will be and the turbine itself. The only problem we're encountering for now is soldering the wheels into position. The solder is building up underneath connecting parts and doesn't seem to want to go on top. Our next session is on Monday, and I'm hoping to address that issue. For the whole body, we used the unpainted side of the metal so that we could paint it ourselves. We've decided to go with a black finish because not only will it give the car a good look, but black absorbs the most heat and will therefore make the steam hotter and hence, the car faster. We will see whatever new challenges rise up on Monday, and hopefully be able to get around them.