Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Tournament

Forgot to update yesterday! I realized it would be a hard task, didn't think it would happen so quickly. I thought about updating yesterday while walking between classes, but by the time I got home it had completely slipped my mind. More importantly however, the tournament went very well. We won first in the races every time in our division. What we ended up doing to help with the heating up process is holding the burner on pre-race to heat up the chamber faster and covering the inside of the bottom of the chassis in ethanol for a bigger flame. The problem we found with this was that the solder holding the refuel pipe on the steam chamber ruptured and we had to do a few minor repairs before setting it back on the track. This damage would require more time to repair however, since our performance in the consequent race proved below satisfactory. The overall contest ended well I think, and I am very excited for the next project.

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